Lilith also described knowing him as "unfortunate" and saying that he always got special treatment for being the "genius teen prodigy". When Hunter gets possessed by Belos, Luz tried to attack him without harming him. By the end of "Thanks to Them", Luz reveals to everyone that she did help the Collector and Hunter is the first to assure her that it wasn't her fault because Belos tricked her and if it wasn't for her, they wouldn't have a chance to fight back. When Hunter believed Belos was back, the first person he goes to is Luz seeing as how the trusts her the most. The two then bond over their desire to protect the group, with Luz admitting that she will protect him too because they're family now.
List of The Owl House characters
Gus was suspicious about him as he never seen him before, Hunter claims he was a transfer from a different school. He appears again at the end of "Escaping Expulsion", where he visited Alador and Odalia Blight as they kneel before the emperor's emissary, who informs them that their weaponized products and efforts will now be sold exclusively to Emperor Belos, before warning them he does not take kindly to citizens producing a private army. The Golden Guard appears in the series premiere "Separate Tides", where he is seen inside one of the Emperor's ships. My problem with Luz x Hunter is how fast people are/were willing to ship Luz with a man. Like imagine watching a show where the soon to be canon ship is a WLW relationship but people are shipping one of the WLWs with a man. The problem is we finally get a canon WLW relationship in a Disney show but people would rather ship Luz with a man.
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Soon, they see Belos rebuilding the portal and watch Hunter give Belos the key. After Hunter leaves, he is surprised to learn that Belos has destroyed the other Golden Guards. After exiting the painting, the child arrives and the three stop the mysterious figure stalking them. Soon, the boy takes the form of Belos, and reveals the creature is made of palisman souls he absorbed.
Even though he does not fully trust the human, the Golden Guard leaves his cloak as bait for the dragon while he and Luz escape to Latissa. He immediately storms over to one of Latissa's police precincts to contact the castle and shows his coven brand as proof. However, the guards running the precinct do not recognize their superior due to his young age, and when the Golden Guard asks for his staff in order to prove his identity, Luz hides it behind her back. Annoyed, the Golden Guard chases Luz through Latissa, and while she manages to elude him by using an ice pillar, the Golden Guard easily manages to climb up and corners her. Luz may have had the advantage now that she was armed with a staff, but the Golden Guard points out that no matter what she does, it won't end well for her; she won't attack him because she's too nice, and she can't fly away either because then she'd be leaving the rest of the palismen behind. However, neither Luz nor the Golden Guard want Kikimora to return to the palace with the palismen, and the two form a truce.
A hidden side of Hunter was revealed in "Hunting Palismen", in which he has been revealed as not only a naturally powerless witch, but also the nephew of Emperor Belos. He is similar to Lilith, being very loyal to Emperor Belos and has some fear of his uncle, but unlike Belos' other employees, Hunter does genuinely care about his uncle, who, according to them both, took Hunter in when their family was apparently destroyed by wild magic. While he does retain fear of his uncle, he does not seem to fear Belos in his monster state and even attempts to sway Belos towards a more effective way of harnessing the palisman magic. This also reveals Hunter has an interest in wild magic, having studied it quite thoroughly to the point of knowing some of the ways witches used to do magic back in the Savage Ages, although Belos seems to heavily disapprove of this interest.
Hunter later brought the portal key to Belos, but instead of being thankful and grateful he told Hunter to leave which he did. He later appears in the season finale "Young Blood, Old Souls", where Emperor Belos, after he gets the pieces of the portal, sends him to watch the inhabitants of the Owl House. He is eventually revealed to be a "Grimwalker", an artificial creation made from the Boiling Isles' resources by Belos as the latest in a long line of previous Golden Guards as a replacement for his dead brother Caleb Wittebane, and abandons Belos after discovering this, leading to him defecting to the heroes' side.

However, it was soon revealed that Darius lashed out like that because he wanted the young Golden Guard to be more like his predecessor, to rebel a little and to have a life and friends outside of the Emperor's Coven. When Hunter showed a willingness to rebel, Darius gave him a scroll and helped him set up a Penstagram account, in addition to keeping Flapjack, his palisman, a secret from Belos. Months later, when Hunter returns to the Demon Realm, Darius welcomes him with head pats, and appears to look after him in the epilogue. Shortly before the Day of Unity, Gus finds him camping out at Hexside and gives Hunter his lunch after seeing his living conditions. As Gus is about to be branded by Adrian, Hunter saves him and they venture through the school wide illusion Gus created before they are found. After Gus is taken to Adrian, Hunter convinces the students and staff of Hexside to help rescue him and calms the younger boy down after he traps Adrian and two coven scouts in their worst memories.
Fans Get Everything They Wanted And More With This Week's Episode of "The Owl House" - LaughingPlace.com - Laughing Place
Fans Get Everything They Wanted And More With This Week's Episode of "The Owl House" - LaughingPlace.com.
Posted: Wed, 27 Apr 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]
During Alador and Odalia's fight, Kikimora grabs Hunter and manages to escape with him, but it turns out Luz had Gus switch her place with Hunter's, who was confused and didn't know what was going on, and Gus tells him and everyone that Luz wanted to protect Hunter, knowing that Kikimora would try and take him away. After Hunter wakes up, he finds himself in Hexside's Healing homeroom and that Gus has been taken, while everyone knows that he is the Golden Guard and nobody can trust him, Hunter tries to tell them he is on their side, Willow helps to prove his innocence after he brings up her breathing technique, and they work together to rescue Gus. After managing to reach Gus, Hunter says he understands what it's like getting tricked and that he can't trust himself, he says he spent his entire life believing what he's been doing was something good or someone good, but it was a lie, and that there was a part of him that wanted to believe it, but promises that he is Gus' friend. Hunter tries to do the breathing technique for Gus, but Hunter does it wrong and makes whistling sounds.
The Owl House Wiki is a wiki on everything about the 2020 Disney Channel animated series, The Owl House by Dana Terrace. The site chronicles everything related to The Owl House, and we aim to keep users updated with the latest news and information. The series had its first international debut in Canada two days after the American premiere.
He is described as scrawny by Amity in "Eclipse Lake", although he has a larger build compared to characters like Luz. In "Hunting Palismen", the duo are forced to work together to regain the stolen palismen. After realizing that Kikimora wants to kill Hunter, she saves his life, even though she makes it clear that she doesn't like him. They are shown to tease one another, with Luz purposefully annoying and egging on Hunter throughout the episode. The two eventually have a heart-to-heart chat about each other's magical capabilities, and Hunter reveals his backstory to the girl.
In the epilogue of "Watching and Dreaming", Hunter's hair has grown out slightly further, and he no longer has bags under his eyes. Additionally, a red tattoo of a cardinal covers the place on his right arm where his coven sigil had previously been, to symbolize the loss of Flapjack. I think i know why people are simultaneously calling lumity a "lesbian couple" and ignoring canon lumity by shipping her with hunter with the excuse that luz is bi.
In “For the Future”, Hunter begins to act like he did as the Golden Guard, becoming no nonsense and cold as he was before and solely focused on his mission to stop Belos and the Collector. While traveling to Bonesborough, Hunter notices Willow and Gus enjoying being back in the Demon Realm and while he briefly takes joy in seeing them happy, begins to hallucinate hearing Flapjack and immediately reverts back and insists that they keep going. At the Owl House, Hunter chooses to stand guard outside and lookout for anyone approaching, while being followed around by Clover and Emmiline, which annoys him as he would rather be looking for Belos than sitting around doing nothing. Hunter sees what he thinks are Eda and King flying on a shooting star and everyone flies after them into Bonesborough, Hunter scouts ahead a finds that a wave of sparkles is headed for them as they hide.
When Hunter went undercover at Hexside to recruit some students for the Emperor's Coven, he at first believe they weren't fit for the team, but after playing with them during the game he gets along with them and decided to name them the Emerald Entrails. After remorsefully betraying and taking them to the Emperor's Coven, he decided to save them from Darius. He lets them go and claims they were unfitting for the Emperor's Coven, he even starting his own website and started talking with them.
He is, however, an opportunist who is willing to use blackmail or extortion to manipulate others, offering to let Eda and Luz go in exchange for slaying the Selkidomus (a job Belos told him to do), and then threatening to kill King when they refuse to do so. Whether this is due to pragmatism or simply laziness is hard to say, but having said that, he does give Luz a sword to use to do so and does indeed let them go after he believes the job is done. Seeing as it was not done (and Eda is well-known as a con artist) shows some naivety on his part. In "Any Sport in a Storm", Hunter disguises himself as a Hexside student, donning a Hexside school uniform consisting of a gray tunic with a dark gray belt, cowl, and boots. His sleeves and leggings of his uniform are colored yellow to suggest he is affiliated with the potions track. Part of his Golden Guard tunic can be seen hidden underneath his uniform, seen notably at the collar.
The Owl House S3 Must Keep Belos As The Main Villain (Not The Collector) - Screen Rant
The Owl House S3 Must Keep Belos As The Main Villain (Not The Collector).
Posted: Sat, 05 Nov 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Hunter saves Gus from illusion coven head Adrian Graves; Gus asks why he's helping and why he ran away from the Emperor's coven which he can't bring himself answer. Hunter begins to panic again when he finds out that Belos is after him, Gus helps him calm down with a breathing technique. Gus tells him that people like Luz, Willow and himself are good people who don't have ulterior motives and are trusted. Back in the Demon Realm, Hunter reverts back to his Golden Guard persona; he treats his friends coldly and avoids them, and focuses solely on the mission to defeat Belos and the Collector, while pushing all distractions aside. It is, however, merely a coping mechanism to help Hunter get over the trauma of losing Flapjack, whom he hallucinates about often, as well as to deal with the uncertainty of what to say or how his friends feel about him now that they know that he’s a human grimwalker of Caleb Wittebane. He comes to regret his decision of hiding his identity, realizes that his friends accept him for who he is, that avoiding them has done more harm than good and admits that they are the most important people in his life, as well as discovering that Flapjack has granted him his power.
In season three, Luz eventually returns to the Boiling Isles alongside her friends and mother. She finally gains a palisman in the form of a "snake shifter" which she names Stringbean.[17] After reuniting with Eda and King, she also shows compassion towards the Collector, befriending him and learning King's parent, the Titan, has been aiding her through her glyph magic. When Belos possesses the Titan's heart and attempts to kill everyone on the Isles, Luz sacrifices herself to save the Collector's life. After meeting the Titan's spirit in the In-Between Realm, Luz is temporarily given the last of his power, which revives her and allows her to defeat and destroy Belos with help from Eda, King, and Raine Whispers.
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